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Liver Common Diseases
Liver Common Diseases
03 March 2022

The liver is of great importance in the body as it performs many basic functions, and any defect in it harms the whole body and leads to complications and great risks that may lead to death if it is not detected and treated early. The liver can be exposed to many health problems and diseases that must be watched. Learn about a group of liver diseases, and how to prevent them in the following: Liver diseases Here is a list of the most prominent ones: 1. Viral hepatitis Viral hepatitis of its various types occurs as a result of a viral infection that affects the body and liver. Viral hepatitis leads to serious complications, such as cirrhosis, liver failure, and can cause liver cancer. Symptoms of viral hepatitis There are many symptoms associated with this type of liver disease, including: Flu-like symptoms, such as: fever, feeling weak, and bone aches in the body. Change in the color of urine and stools, urine becomes noticeably dark and stools appear pale. Loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and weight loss for no apparent reason. Yellowing of the skin and eyes and the appearance of signs of fatigue and exhaustion on the patient, which is known as jaundice. Ways to prevent viral hepatitis Vaccination plays a key role in the prevention of various viral hepatitis infections. It is advised to consult a doctor about vaccination, and periodic examinations should be conducted to ensure that you are not infected with any of these infections. The causes of viral hepatitis vary according to the way in which it is transmitted, so the different types can be prevented by some measures: 1. Prevention of hepatitis A It is transmitted through contaminated water or food, as well as through sexual intercourse, and is found in the feces of infected persons. To prevent this type of liver disease, hands should be washed, clean food and uncontaminated water, and no sex in case of infection with this disease. 2. Hepatitis B This virus is transmitted through contaminated blood from a person carrying the infection, as well as through the semen of a man, and any contaminated fluids from the body, in addition to blood transfusion tools and injections contaminated with the virus. This means that no other person's tools should be used in order to avoid transmission of infection to the body. 3. Hepatitis C This virus is transmitted through blood and transmission tools if they are contaminated with the virus, as well as through sexual contact. The means of prevention are as the means to prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B, and by using only personal tools and making sure that they are clean and sterile. 4. Hepatitis D Infection with this virus occurs among people with hepatitis B, and thus there is a double infection with the two viruses together, which worsens the situation and poses great risks to the patient's health. Therefore, even with viral hepatitis, contaminated equipment should not be used by a person with the same disease. 5. Hepatitis A Hepatitis viruses are transmitted through contaminated food and water and often cause liver failure and prevent it by keeping hands clean and not eating unclean foods or using contaminated food and drink utensils. 2. Hepatomegaly Hepatomegaly is among the common diseases that affect the liver and has many negative effects. Hepatomegaly cannot be considered a disease in itself, but it occurs as a result of liver diseases, such as: hepatitis viruses, cirrhosis, and liver tumors. In addition to a number of diseases that affect other organs in the body, such as: diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The size of the liver when enlarged varies according to many factors, including age, body size and gender. Symptoms of an enlarged liver When the liver is enlarged, the patient feels a set of symptoms, including: Pain in the upper right region of the abdomen. Pain in the muscles of the body. Weight loss and poor appetite. Nausea and general fatigue. Preventing an enlarged liver Through some measures, the body can be prevented from this type of liver disease, which are: Eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, mainly vegetables and fruits, and avoid foods high in fat. Maintaining a healthy weight because being overweight is one of the reasons that increases the risk of developing an enlarged liver, and weight can be maintained by following a healthy diet and exercising. Take nutritional supplements carefully, as excessive intake of nutritional supplements and vitamins without consulting a doctor will lead to many problems in the liver, and turn from beneficial elements to harmful to the body. Avoid exposure to chemicals, such as: detergents, etc., as they contain toxic compounds that harm the liver and the body in general. 3. Cirrhosis or cirrhosis of the liver Another disease among the common liver diseases, which is a late case of liver disease that occurs as a result of pathological pressure on the liver. When a problem occurs in the liver, it begins to resist diseases and treat itself, during which scar tissue is formed, which hinders the normal functioning of the liver. It is difficult to treat liver cirrhosis because, as we mentioned, it is the last stage after suffering from many health problems, but if cirrhosis is discovered early, the complications that afflict it can be reduced. Among the most prominent problems that can cause cirrhosis of the liver are viral hepatitis and the accumulation of fat in the liver. Symptoms of cirrhosis Symptoms of this type of liver disease are: Ease of bleeding and bruising, and this can be easily noticed in the case of collision or wounds affecting different areas of the body. Paleness of the face, yellowing of the skin and the appearance of signs of fatigue, illness and exhaustion on the patient, with a feeling of nausea. Swelling in the body, especially in the legs, as there is an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, or what is called ascites. Some problems in the man's body, such as: breast enlargement, and testicular atrophy. Weight loss, lack of appetite and weakness of the body.

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