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Fat Accumulation in Abdominal Area
Fat Accumulation in Abdominal Area
03 March 2022

A problem that many people agree upon and find difficult to eliminate is abdominal fat, as fat usually accumulates in this area more than others, due to some of the reasons that result in this fatty gathering in the abdomen. There are 5 main reasons behind the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, what are they? And how can it be overcome? Reasons for the accumulation of fat in the abdomen There are many reasons that may lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, and the most prominent of these reasons that lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen are the following: 1. Genetic factors It means the presence of one or more people in the family history who suffers from belly fat, and this health problem is transmitted from parents to children. If the cause is genetic, getting rid of this fat requires time and effort, then a healthy diet must be followed and continued until the belly fat is eliminated, and in conjunction with the diet, abdominal exercises must be practiced daily and not follow the wrong health habits that make the task difficult. 2. Lack of movement A major factor in the accumulation of fat in the abdomen is lack of movement, even with a harsh diet, you will not be able to eliminate fat in some areas of the body such as the abdomen, and therefore you need to exercise. Jogging is one of the most prominent sports that contribute to burning belly fat, as well as aerobic exercises, as well as abdominal exercises that focus on the fats of this area in particular, so attention should be paid to exercising them regularly. 3. Not eating regularly and healthy The more unhealthy foods you eat, the greater the chances of fat accumulating in certain areas of the body, most notably the abdomen. The body gets rid of them faster than others. There is another belief that abstaining from food contributes to burning fat, but this is a big mistake, as burning fat requires the presence of food that increases the rate of burning, while abstaining from food causes the body to reduce the rate of burning in it; Because he can't find anything to burn. Therefore, three main meals must be eaten, and between them are snacks that are fruits and vegetables, provided that breakfast is not later than 10 in the morning to help activate and regulate the burning, and dinner is not later than 8 in the evening. 4. Wrong eating habits Many of us do wrong eating habits without knowing how dangerous they are; This is because its side effects do not appear immediately, so the weight gradually increases, and the person may develop some diseases, and among the most dangerous of these habits are: Eating fast food: it contains a large amount of harmful fat that is difficult for the body to burn or get rid of, so it turns into accumulated fat and is distributed in various areas such as the abdomen. Eating food directly before bed, or in the late hours of the night, is one of the most common causes of the appearance of the abdomen and the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and waist, as during the night the metabolic activity decreases, and thus the rate of burning fat in the body decreases. Eating quickly: and thus is not digested properly, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and flatulence in some cases. 5. Not drinking water You may have heard this advice a lot before, but do you know how important water is and how it relates to burning fat? Water is the main engine of the metabolism process, which is fast if you drink large amounts of water, and becomes slow if the percentage of water in the body decreases. In other words, water is primarily responsible for the process of burning fat in the body, so it is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day, and water helps rid the body of toxins, especially when adding a few drops of lemon to it.

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